Ahern Academy
Recommended Products
Below you will find links to products which may be useful in our classes. Here is a brief list of those products:
- number lines
- hundreds chart
- greater than/less than manipulative
- ten frames
- teaching clock
- number cards
- dice
- counting blocks
- place value rods
- counters/pattern blocks
- shapes and 3-D shapes
- calendar and days of the week chart
- items for measuring such as ruler, measuring cups, measuring spoons, tape measure, scale
- money (it is best to use real money if possible)
- white board and markers/eraser
- index cards or post-it notes and markers
- magnetic letters with multiples of each letter, preferably (but not required) lowercase and all one color
- traceable, tactile letters (for example sand tracing letters)
- sentence strips/word strips and markers, scissors
- counters (such as round plastic chips)
or Dry Erase Number Line
Ten Frame Pop Its
Hundreds Chart
Place Value Rods
Phonics Kit phonicskit.com/product/phonicskit/